Planning A Fundraiser? 3 Ways To Sell More Event Tickets And Raise More Funds

Fundraisers and charity events can be very tricky to organize, especially when the success of your event depends on the success of selling tickets. Here are three ways you can ensure you sell more tickets, which will potentially help you raise more funds: Early Bird Discounts When you're looking to increase the attendance to your event, one of the best ways to do so early on is by offering early bird discounts to ticket buyers who are willing to purchase their event tickets in advance. [Read More]

Fans, Fans And More Fans: Different Kinds Of Fans You Can Rent For Different Needs And Events

Judging by the most recent hot temps around the country, it looks like this summer is going to be a scorcher. Are you ready? Are you planning any major events where fans can make a big impact on how things operate? Will you need to keep people and things cool? Here are some examples of the many kinds of fans you can rent and how they can be used for your summer events. [Read More]

3 Steps To Make The Most Of Your Event Space At Your Next Fundraiser

When it comes to event planning for a charity fundraiser, it can take months out of your life. So, you definitely do not want to overlook one of the most important aspects of the planning phase: the flow and functionality of the event space. Here are three steps to ensure that your space is arranged for both convenience and efficiency: 1. Consider Making Use of Signs It doesn't matter whether it is the coat check, the auction or the bathrooms, your guests need to know where everything is that they may use throughout the duration of the event. [Read More]